Would You Let Your Airline Weigh You At The Airport? This Company Hopes So
Whether you’ve ever been on a family vacation or regularly travel for work, chances are you’re all too familiar with the horrors of arriving at the airport. Ever since the Wright brothers took their...
View ArticleShe Dropped Her Dog Off To Be Groomed. Then She Got A Call That Made Her...
Pet stores such as PetSmart are supposed to be a one-stop shop for anything and everything you could possibly need for your animal. Among the many toys, treats, and services the store offers, they...
View ArticleA Cop Nearly Ended His Life, But This Man’s 4-Year-Old Gives Him The Hope He...
Police brutality has been in the news more and more lately as we see incidents arise across the country. In 2014, Leon Ford was pulled over for running a red light by a police officer. What should...
View ArticleThey Knew He Had An Allergy And Gave Him This Anyway. Now The Toddler Is Dead.
Lots of people joke about those with food allergies, acting like it’s not a big deal. For the people living with those allergies, however, the effect is far from funny. Depending on the severity of...
View ArticleEvery School Should Adopt This Awesome Food Sharing Program
Over 13 million kids in the United States face food insecurity. For some children, the food they get at school may be the only food they’re guaranteed to have all day long. There’s also a huge food...
View ArticlePolice Arrived And Let Something Out Of The Car That Thrilled A Boy With Autism
When the time had come for Margaret Ng’s 4-year-old son Ethan to finally receive a service dog, she knew she wanted to make the reveal a special surprise. Ethan, who has autism as well as attention...
View ArticleBody Cam Footage Captures Cop Planting Cocaine On Suspect
In response to recent instances of police brutality, more and more people have been calling for police officers to wear body cameras. Proponents argue that the cameras protect both the police and the...
View ArticleHeroic Police Officer Bear Hugs Suicide Bomber To Shield Civilians From The...
It’s no surprise that we live in a world full of hate, where every day a lone individual or group of people feel the need to act out and harm others. But while most news stories in our neck of the...
View ArticleBosnian War Criminal Drinks Poison On Camera During Appeals Hearing And Dies
In 2013, six former Bosnian Croat officials were given prison sentences after being convicted for war crimes against Bosnian Muslims, including rape and murder, that took place during the...
View ArticleHeroic 15-Year-Old Shot To Death While Trying To Save His Mom’s Life
On November 18, Jaishaun Williams and his mother, Renita Wells, were shot inside their home in Henrico County, Virginia. Wells died at the scene, while Williams later passed away in a hospital. He was...
View ArticleA Boat Washed Up In Japan. When They Looked Inside, They Found 8 Decomposing...
Each day, all across the globe, thousands of trinkets and other mysterious finds wash up on shore. However, not all of them are as gruesome as what forensic scientists and detectives are investigating...
View ArticleThere’s Something Disturbing Going On Online And Every Parent Needs To Know...
When it comes to keeping kids entertained, sometimes the only thing a parent can do to get a moment of peace is put on a video. While no parents would advocate letting television or online...
View ArticleDoctors Told Them The Baby Was Dead. On The Way To Cremation They Saw...
There are few things as tragic in this world as losing a child. The pain and anguish parents endure when faced with this kind of tragedy is something many of us will never be able to fathom. One...
View ArticleMan Who Allegedly Abused, Killed, And Disposed Of Small Child Held On $1M Bond
On November 27, an Amber Alert was issued for 3-year-old Mariah Woods from North Carolina. Her mother had reported her missing, claiming to have last seen the little girl when she put her to bed the...
View ArticleThey Couldn’t Figure Out What A Man Was Pulling From The Fire. Then They Saw...
You may have heard by now about the wildfires in California that threaten millions of lives. The fire, which is affecting people in Los Angeles, Ventura, and San Diego counties, continues to rage as...
View ArticleEerily Quiet Commuter Footage Shows People Driving Through California Wildfires
The recent string of California wildfires continues to ravage much of the southern part of the state. You’ve probably heard about these wicked fires on the news, but what you probably don’t know is...
View Article10 Things Trump Is Taking Away Because He Loves Corporations And Hates You
Despite all the talk about “draining the swamp” during the 2016 presidential election, there’s a surprising amount of money flowing into the swamp these days. Before you go saying that this is just...
View ArticleShe Threatened To Kill Everyone On Her Flight For The Most Ridiculous Reason
You know how some people who are trying to quit smoking say they’d kill for a cigarette? Well, this lady wasn’t joking when she threatened passengers and crew on her flight from Portland to...
View ArticleMoments After Waving Bye To Mom, This Babysitter Punched A Child Repeatedly
Leaving your kids with a babysitter is always a gamble, especially if you haven’t known them for very long. Unless you’ve set up a nanny cam, you have no idea what they may or may not be doing with...
View Article15 Insane Double Standards That Will Make You So Frustrated With Society
When it comes to treating people equally, we still have a long way to go. Whether you’re talking about race, gender, sexual orientation, or something else entirely, our society is plagued by pervasive...
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