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News Anchors Can’t Get It Right Every Time. Here Are The Best News Bloopers Of 2017!


Reporters and anchors are under a lot of pressure to get things right the first time while presenting the news on live television. But like all other human beings, they’re bound to make mistakes.

Try as they might to avoid it, most professionals in the field have slipped up in front of the camera, whether they absolutely butcher the pronunciation of a word or find themselves in humiliating circumstances beyond their control. Either way, many viewers would agree that these goof-ups are the most entertaining part of watching the news — so pull up a seat, get comfy and prepare to giggle your ass off at some of the funniest news bloopers of 2017.

“Get out of the way, bus!”


So many amazing quotes to pull from this, so little time. Which of these made you laugh the most? Be sure to let us know your favorites below.

VIA : http://www.viralnova.com

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